If the baby is girl,
he give a name :
N o R D a y a n a A m a n d a.
But if its come out is a Baby Boy,
he said he will give a name :
M o h a m m a d A s h r a f
its on you DARL,i ♥ you damn much!~.the end.
To my Darl.
Congrates for your new comer(soon).
Abang & akak share the happiness too!
It makes me more patient to become a mother.
I know im willing to pragnent.
& i know i will have the reward soon. .the end.
Ok which mean
You are pillows & im your blanket.
f u l l s t o p ..the end.
Masih setia menunggu.
Orang baru dalam kehidupan kami berdua.
Allah maha Adil.
Maha mengetahui segala keinginan kami.
Kemahuanku kemahuan suamiku dan keliling.
Terima kasih kepada yang memahami keadaan.
Tunggu dan lihat kepada yang kurang sabar.
Insyaallah segala tekanan akan dapat kami hadapi dengan doa..the end.
Daku Redha.
Daku terima ketentuan dari Mu.the end.
hati .
Hasad dengki .
Dendam .
Busuk hati .
Kebencian .
Iri Hati .
Dan segalanya tentang perasaan.musnah.kemungkinan..the end.
It's hard to remember how it felt before
Now I found the love of my life
Passes things, get more comfortable
Everything is going right
And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
I know we're cool
And we used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain
Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown, oh
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
I know we're cool
Yeah, I know we're cool
And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles
And now we're hanging out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
I know we're cool
C-cool, uh-uh
I know we're cool, uh-uh
Uh, I know we're cool
C-cool, yeah
I know we're cool
You knew....the end.

You have been caught by your own time machine.
You neglect youself out from the line.
You suppose to be a good rolemodel for your own kind.
Why is it all happened on you?
Do stupid things will fulfill your hunger lust.
Is it will last forever?
You should ashamed to yourself.
Ashamed to your own future.
But its to late Darl!
Ashamed to your whole life.Its like a nightmare,haunted your whole life!.
You miserable!
What can i say.What am i supposed to do,Helping you?
Ouh crap!
Sorry i got my own life so
do your own life stupid!
Your are not my kind
You such a looser!
I am not accepting you as my kind.
On my knees!
.the end.

Itulah kami.
Macam belangkas sebelum berkahwin,macam Grasshopper lepas berkahwin,HAHA!Buruknya!
kami tak merancang untuk mendapat zuriat,
tapi kami bersyukur jika Allah nak bagi kami zuriat secepat mungkin.
Usaha tangga kejayaan.
Kami sangat bahagia dalam dunia yang terlalu Havoc ni
Penuh pancaroba,penuh dugaan melampau.
Haih!Allah masih sayangkan kami.
Dia tahu apa kemahuan kami.

Aku tak sangka benda ini akan terjadi di dalam hidup aku.
Melibatkan dua keluarga,empat hati,empat perasaan.
Bingung membuatkan aku tak tentu arah memikirkan perkara BANGANG ni!.
Kasihan mereka!.Kau apa tahu?!
Ya Allah,Berikanlah aku kekuatan hati.
menempuh segala dugaan dalam hidupku dan suamiku..the end.

Hello Dear friends & fellows.
Please do mind about this heavy matter.
I am sure you all know what this things is?
As i know some couple they are not very alert about this kind of matter.
They simply avoid it.
Please dont!!!!
Play it with a safety "cap" to avoid you from difficult situation in future.
I heard & i saw so many human mistakes(GEJALA PEMBUANGAN BAYI/ABORTION).
This is stupid guy's!
What for?
Be matured!.You guy's ALL WRONG!
From now on
I really² missing you,
Suddenly my mind THINKING of you Na....
You know something,since im married with Syafiq,im hoping to have a baby girl just like you....
her face,her eyes....
exactly like you Na.....
OMg,i cant stand it anymore,my eyes tears.....
Al-fatihah..the end.
Before you speak..........LISTEN .
Before you write..........THINK .
Before you spend..........EARN .
Before you criticise..........WAIT .
before you pray..........FORGIVE .
Before you quit..........TRY ..the end.
people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
people will never forget how you make them feel.
byAllan Choy.the end.

.the end.