The world’s view on smoking cigarettes has changed dramatically over the last century.
The habit was once considered to be cool, sexy, good for your health, and widely enjoyed by many people.
It was promoted by sportsmen, and advertised all over television. No one could be seen acting in a movie without a lit cigarette in their hand!
Today, smoking is considered to be a nasty addictive habit that can kill you and those around you.
You wont find them advertised anywhere – nor will you see anyone smoking inside a public building.
It seems that these days smokers are considered to be anti-social and are often frowned at if seen smoking outside in crowded places.
There is 30 facts about Cigarettes but aku tulis separuh yang lain korang survey lah di Google,tq.
1. Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country each year. At a global take of more than $400 billion, it’s one of the world’s largest industries.
2. The nicotine content in several major brands is reportedly on the rise. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Health Department revealed that between 1997 and 2005 the amount of nicotine in Camel, Newport, and Doral cigarettes may have increased by as much as 11 percent.
3. The American brands Marlboro, Kool, Camel and Kent own roughly 70% of the global cigarette market.
4. Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 known carcinogens.
5. Cigarettes can contain more than 4,000 ingredients, which, when burned, can also produce over 200 ‘compound’ chemicals. Many of these ‘compounds’ have been linked to lung damage ..the end.

You are the cocaine,
Im the Heroin ..the end.

Racoon????..the end.
Dear Hubby

He is a very understanding person .
I cant belive what happen on me if he's gone .Sincerly Your Wify
Shahinaz ..the end.
"Money! Money! Money!
You're so funny
In a richman's World!"
I've work for money .Why do i care of people that always say "Wey kau jangan boros sgt Naz....."this & that!
Its my money,i earn it!
So why should i care about those people said!
They are just mumbling!
So i go on with it!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

.the end.

Ya Allah!
Sudah berapa kali aku katakan yang aku bukan pengamal Aneroxia .
Bukan! Bukan! Bukan! Bukan!..the end.
Never neglect the little things,
Never skip on that extra effort,that additional few minutes,
That soft of praise or thanks,
that delivery of the very best that you can do.
It does not matter others think it is importance,
however,what you think about you.
You can never do your best which should always be your trademark,
If you are cutting comers and shirking responsibilities,
Your are special .Act it .
Never neglect the little things ..the end.
Insyaallah rezeki aku ada satu hari nanti untuk menjadi seorang mama .
Biarlah, aku redhA dengan ketentuan Ilahi andaikata rezeki aku belum tiba .Tetapi aku tetap mencuba walau apa sekalipun .
Biarlah, aku redha mereka² yang bakal jadi ibu dahulu dari aku .Aku redha Ya Allah .
Sekalipun aku terfikir, mungkin ini adalah dugaan hidup untuk aku tempuhi bersama suami ..the end.

Ouh isnt that sweet?
Ingat lagi masa tu in primary school Sigs 98 .
End of the year je all of my mates including me mesti beli 1 notebook untuk semua mates tulis diorang punye "biodata & speech" .
Ain masih kau simpan benada ni ya?
Thnx ain for the sweet sweet sweet sweet memories .
♥.the end.
Cousin aku berada di London dalam beberapa hari ni .
Dia cakap :"
4 in the morning. I want to be a londoners forever! Everything is cheap! I got ed hardy shirt and AX shirt with only 30 pound,Lasenza 5pieces for 12 pound, pairs of clarks n nine west with 18 pound. Ive got everything below 100. No wonder they are stylish! *forget about the currency,* :p but still! Cheaper!"
some of our mates commenting about her status on Facebook
It sounds like this :
Wawa: ye la,, london wannabe.. evrythg cheaper ye? jd mcm aku.. avery mth g london.. muak.. lol~ jokes ye!! =P~
Cha: wa,ko pergi london free blh lah weh..tak kira ah. Kalau kerje mcm ko,every week pun boleh pergi. Kalau aku jadi ko pun muak. Tp kalau setakat jadi kerani cabuk kat office kat malaysia tu, mana mampu nak keluar duit dtg sini every week. Lain r kalau dpt laki kaya.. Tu pun tak dpt dtg every week. Lol. :D
Wawa: woopppsss... kene bancuh ke ni? aler babe, relax ler,,
Cha:wa time ni r aku nak show off kat org yg nak curi beg benetton ko dulu.. Asik die je nak show off, aku pun nak show off jgak. :p
Korang² bila lah kita dapat gathered sama² macam dulu² lagi kan? .Itu hari aku bz dengan realative sarawakian aku so tak pat nak join the club with korang semua .
Apa² pon aku sayang korang semua .Korang lah the best mates ever yang tak pernah aku jumpa .Thanx sebab sudi jadi kawan aku & the best thing is korang terima aku seadanya juga.....
♥.the end.

No Bed of Roses
A Difficult or bad situation
By : Allan Choy ..the end.

Would you like to be one of those?
come come come join me .
hehe!^_^*.the end.

Do You Like My Figure dont you?
This is my true & my real Figure.Are you admire for it / inspire for it?
Ya! aku tahu memang figure aku terlalu kurus .Tapi ada aku kesah?.
sebabnya aku dah ada orang yang aku sayang hingga saat akhir aku kat dunia nih.
So kau jangan judge figure aku macam kau punye figure tu dah cun melecun sangatlah kan?.
Or kau ada berbau cemburu?Haha!whatever lah wey!

.the end.

jump whenever you like to do .
Feel free to be free .
Run for your goldgoal,your future .Fly like you never fly before .
Cry harder before you laugh louder.the end.

Waiting In The Wings .
Ready to do something such as take over someone's job .
By :Allan Choy ..the end.
Its a great² expirience of becoming A Wifiey .much LOVE
DARING & caring each other needs
missing each other
kissing hugging cuddles
say more LOVES word
still in a honeymoon mood
thats what i called i love you Syafiq!!.the end.
I just came back from Sarawak .
Is a nice place to go .Relaxing everything .
Tapi tulah masa singkat sangat .Kurang² sebulan aku rasa nak stay kat sana .Nak explorelah katakan .
Aku makan ketam black pepper, ketam batu tu Masyaallah.....sepit dia sudah sebesar lengan aku .
Relative....huh jangan cerita....diorang tahan kitaorang ni like a prisinor .Ceh!
But....its the best memory that i've ever had with my husband .
B nak pergi lagi lah b...........the end.
Sudah 13hari tahun baru berlalu .
Sekarang, bermulalah kehidupan baru dalam kamus hidup aku .
Punyai :
Suami-Ya!Aku cukup bahagia bila berdamping dengannya,
cukup indah, terasa cukup selamat bila dia mendakap aku .Ya!sangat bahagia!
Tolong Jangan ganggu kehidupan indah kami .TOLONG!.
Get Your Own life!SHhhuuhhh......
Kami cukup BAHAGIA .
Baby-Ada Rezeki tu, INSYAALLAH!.
Ya Allah lindungilah kehidupan kami dari segala kejahatan di dunia realiti ini yang penuh dengan segala dugaan²mu .AMIN.the end.
Wear More Than One Hat
Have more than one set of responsiblities
By :Allan Choy ..the end.