November 12, 2009

quot of the day

John C.Maxwell :
Its wonderful when the people believe
in their leader ,
Its more wonderful when the leader believes in their people .

Winston Churchill :
Commitment in the face of conflict
produces character .

Walter Wriston :
All life is the management of risk,
not its elimination .

.the end.

November 10, 2009

fire burning

Apa nak tulis ek ? .
Hidup ini penuh dengan dugaan .
Mengapa ya? .

.the end.

November 09, 2009


Keperluan Asas :
1) Hubby .
2) Sony Ericsson W660i .
3) Notebook .
4) Wireless .
5) Hair .
6) Baby .

Keperluan Harian :
1) Jeans .
2) Track Mary Jane Clarks .
3) Eyeliner .

Keperluan Yang diperlukan :
1) Digital camera / DSLR / Lomography .
2) New Clarks shoes .
3) Holiday trip to London .
4) Flight ticket .
5) Alphard / Saga .
6) Food .

.the end.

November 08, 2009

untuk si Bujat ku sayang

Aku memang sayangkan kau!
Nak hug² kau sorang jelah!
tak ada sapa lagi dah .

Mohammad Syafiq Kamaludin .
Since 02/12/2003 .
Now and forever ever .
having a baby only with him .

Muah² i Love You Bujat .

.the end.

dignity | pride

Still in the same meaning isnt it? ,

I think someone smells jealousy in here,

But do i care?!

Because "HE" dont know who is another "HE" for God Sake,
Another "HE" will disguise untill "HE" will got "HE"s satisfied on "HER",


HE" should ask "HER",
And "HER" should answered "HE",

But another "HE" would never care if "SHE & HE" fighting each other or what so ever,
Another "HE" will close "HE"s account sooner,
Just wait & see what will happen on "SHE & HE" first .


Janganlah kau nak cakap hal maruah kat perempuan tu yang sah² memang dah tak ada maruah haih!

.the end.

November 04, 2009

tiga minggu lagi aku menjadi seorang isteri

Alhamdulillah .!
Sayang hanya untuk kau sahaja :



.the end.

kurus itu cantik kata Priya,Benar kah?

Entah lah kan .
Itu kata dia .
Tak tahulah kata orang lain .
Walaubagaimanapun aku bersyukur dengan apa yang ada sekarang .

.the end.

perut mula menyalak

Sakit .
Tak tertanggung .
Bisa .


Lapar rupanya .
Aduh .

.the end.

November 03, 2009

aku mengharapkan keindahan bukan kemurungan

Aku dalam kemurungan,
Tak siapa yang tahu,
Hanya Allah S.W.T tempat aku mengadu,

Kenapa dan Mengapa?,
Jadi hal sebegini rupa?,
Aku dah mula rasa tak tertanggung lagi penderitaan ini,

Ya Allah,
Betapa besarnya dugaan yang kau berikan keatasku,
Tapi aku redha segala²nya
Aku tetap pasrah,
Aku tahu itu mungkin balasan dari dosa²ku,

.the end.

October 21, 2009

Perkenalan menjadi rapat

Arwah memang sangat dikenali atas perwatakannya yang tak sombong .
Apabila The Times akan membuat persembahan di Jb,kami yang akan menjemput mereka di Hotel .Membawa mereke bersiar-siar ke sekitar Johor Bahru .
(Memeluk dan bertembung pipi bersama arwah itu yang menjadi kenangan kuat buat aku)
Pernah satu ketika arwah membawa anak kecilnya yang kami panggil Amanda berumur 1tahun 8bulan ketika itu .

Persis arwah,Amanda sangat bijak dalam bertutur,telus segala perkataan yang dia sebutkan walaupun ketika itu umurnya baru mencecah 1tahun 8bulan.
Hanya sekali itulah kami berjumpa dengan Amanda dan setiap kali mereka ada membuat persembahan di Jb kami akan menjemput mereka sehinggalah satu ketika kami mendapat berita rumahtangga arwah menjadi goyah,tak tahu apa puncanya dan aku tak nak ambil tahu.

Julai 2008,kali terakhir kami berjumpa arwah dan menjemput mereka di hentian Bus Larkin JB
dan kami sangkakan rumahtangga arwah sudah pulih kembali tetapi sangkaan kami meleset.Beberapa hari selepas kami berjumpa arwah kami dapat berita menghampakan bahawa mereka sudah pun sah bercerai.
Saat itulah kehidupan arwah terlalu sukar apabila kami melihat kesemua photo yang di muatturun ke Facebook / Myspace.
Faham hati seorang perempuan bergelar ibu yang inginkan terbaik buat tersayang bergelar ANAK.
Itulah kali terakhir kami mendengar berita arwah dan terus terputus hubungan dengannya .
Dan aku tahu bahawa arwah bekerja keras demi memenuhi kehendak anak kesayangannya .Dan aku juga tahu betapa sayangnya arwah terhadap Amanda .

Beberapa bulan selepas itu aku berkenalan pula dengan bekas biras arwah,Lin.Alhamdulillah dalam kotak pemikiran aku sudah nampak jalan untuk aku mencari arwah .Dari situ aku selalu bertanya khabar tentang arwah dan Amanda.Lin juga terlalu baik aku tahu walaupun baru sahaja mengenalinya dalam laman web .

Sehinggalah aku mendapat satu berita yang menyedihkan dari Lin.
Pada 18 Oktober 2009 Lin sampaikan berita sedih ini pada aku melalui sistem pesanan ringkas mengatakan Dayana meninggal dalam kemalangan dan Dayana rentung dalam kemalangan itu di kelantan.Allahuakhbar!Mengucap panjang.
Tapi aku tetap tidak percaya dengan berita tersebut kerana mayat belum dikenalpasti dan ketika itu aku berdoa mayat tersebut bukan Dayana.

Malam 19 Oktober 2009 berita utama Tv3 mengesahkan mayat tersebut adalah Wan Noor Diana Binti Mohd kamaruzaman 22tahun.
Allahuakhbar!mengucap panjang aku sekali lagi dan air mata pun meruntun jatuh .Aku bertanya sendiri mengapa Dayana meninggal dalam keadaan sebegitu rupa.
Allahuakhbar!Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun.Ya Allah kau tempatkanlah arwah dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman Ya Allah.

Buat Amanda,Aunty tahu Manda mungkin tak mengingati aunty tapi walauapapun aunty Shenaz & uncle Syafiq juga menyayangi Manda dan
semua orang sayangkan Manda .Tabahkan hati Manda sekuat Hati ibu Manda .

Buat Arwah,kami amat sayangkan you dan kami redha atas pemergian you .May you rest in peace.Apa sahaja yang kita buat bersama ketika you di JB itu adalah kenangan paling indah dalam hidup i .Kenapa secara tiba-tiba pada 2minggu lepas i beriya sangat untuk meminta Lin memberikan no telefon i pada you?Dan beberapa hari selepas itu kita
terus tak akan jumpa sampai bila-bila pun .Ya Allah..................Al-fatihah.....................

.the end.

September 16, 2009

aku suka melihat perempuan yang cantik pada pandanganku

Entah lah kan .Memang aku suka melihat perempuan cantik tapi tak bermaksud aku ni seorang LESBO .
Hurm aku kadang² terpegun tatkala melihat seseorang wanita itu pada pandangan aku dia sangat cantik .
thats why sometimes i wish " i had a body like her " or " i had a face like her " .But i cant do that .Its a fate .You have to be thankfull for your creator & send down straight to your life A HUSBAND .
so........hurm.......i dont know what to say .I just love it .thats all .

.the end.

September 10, 2009

you froud | sifat kau berlagak sombong

Ada perempuan yang berjenis tak suka perempuan lain "lebih" sikit dari apa yang dia ada.
Ada juga perempuan materialistik yup .
Ada juga perempuan yang berlagak,konon dia lah manusia yang paling bagus sekali .
Ada juga perempuan yang suka kan perempuan yup .
Ada juga perempuan kira dialah paling konon cun habes kat muka bumi ni .
Ada juga perempuan.............................

Ah tak kiralah jenis perempuan apa yang aku nak type ni memang ada pada setiap
perempuan kat dunia ni termasuklah kau perempuan.alah kau buat-buat tak comfirm pula kan?

p/s :

Kalau kau terbaca bagus lah kan?sebabnya aku tujukan hal ni juga pada beberapa
makhluk yang rasa-rasa aku dia memang layak mungkin.HaHa!

.the end.

September 09, 2009

perihal mereka

Alah bukan aku suka sangat nak jaga tepi kain mereka² tu .Cuma mata aku ni terlalu sakitlah melihat perihal mereka yang tergedik² macam entah apa² .
Kalau korang terbaca blog ni pun aku tak kesah korang nak fikir aku ni apa .Macam korang tak pernah kena situasi macam ni kan? .Hurm bukan aku nak jealous ke apa ke .Tolong lah .Aku bukan macam tu actually aku sakit hati .Eventhough she'd never cared about what's on me tapi aku masih geram kan kau lah bodoh! .Yelah kan suka² mulut dia je nak ckp aku ni perampas .Tolol betul lah .kau tu yang bongok tak reti² nak jaga hati dgn perasaan .haihs! .Dah lah macam Pe***** aku tgk semua pix kau tu .Hish kau ni entahlah .

.the end.

September 08, 2009

sleepy head

pergh mengantoknyaaaaa........
malas sgt nak pergi kerje.....
kerja melambak tak tahu nak buat mane satu haih! .Letih gila .Aduhai .
Kalau tak kerja tak ada duit lak .Lain lah if aku nih "DIBELA" .Hihs!jauh kan lah .Aku perlu bersyukur dengan apa yang ada & aku mesti kuatkan semangat yang aku boleh dapat apa yang aku nak .


.the end.

my things zZzZzZzZzZzz

You know something .I cant live without it .Its like they are my 2nd husband .

Ouh not forget my notebook .HAHA! .
Without it, i cant see all of my enemy .

.the end.

September 07, 2009


wohooo......i cant wait for it .How is that feel when we realize that we are pragnent? .Wow isnt that merical .I really cant wait for it .

.the end.

gangguan mental | mentallity disorder

Aku tak tahan lah macam nih .That wacko is keep calling me on and on .What a hell on earth this "makhluk Allah" want from me .Aku tak ganggu kau lah tolol dan aku tak kenal kau .Aku pun rasa pelik macam mana kau boleh dapat no phone aku .
Argghhh rasa nak tukar jeh no nih tapi aku sayang sangat .Its been 7 years am using it .No sama with my Sugar .Aih!

.the end.

forgave my sin Sugar

I dont know what to say .I just want you to forgive me Sugar .Thats all .
Yeah i really know what i did on you and and i realized it clearly .But Sugar, for your information ,i have been try and and try but i failed you Sugar because of my anger my impatient for those who made me to be like one .

.the end.

September 06, 2009

picture perfect

aku teringin nak buat poster hitam putih .Sebab hobi aku pun suka bergambar .HAHA!

.the end.

a girl called Shahinaz

You are beautiful all over .
So anyboy could fall for you .
Dont try to be sexy .

.the end.

quote of the day

Superiority-doing things a little better than anybody else can do them .
Orison Swett Marden .

JUNE '09
One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses, The only strength which can overcome adversity .
Albert Schweitzer .

JULY '09
Change does not necessarily assure progress but progress implacably requires change .
Henry Steele .

.the end.

she called me a "snatcher"


Are you A God or something?? . think you are good enough to call me that? .
Memang layak lah aku gelar kau macam tu juga kan,besh tak?
what a stupid person is she? .Ikut sedap mulut kau jeh nak panggil aku tu .Ke kau yang BENGANG sebab aku sebar nama kau tu ek? .Yes!i am not satisfied with you Woman! .What makes me think is why do you still approve me? , or kau sengaja nak SHOW OFF ! .HAHA!Do you think i really likes to mind your hideous name?huh? .Yikes! .

can i just punch that stupid woman face?!
she called me A SNATCHER!
then suddenly she doesn't want to admit that she's admired him since she was fifthteen.
she said that he adored her but she never care.( i got a prove baby )
what is that suppose to mean?
and what a fucking ego woman is she?stupid.
i am not satisfied with you woman!pathetic.
i know you never cares about my relation with him.but why are you called me that?
is that mean you still CARE on us,huh?
you want to make the truth revealed?....answered me please if you read this
well hello,i put on purpose to adding you,lol.
because its been a few years im trying to find you.
i dont give a damn symphatatic on you,sorry.
you're just my fucking enemy.thats all.
you make me sick on you,lesbo.fucking slut.....till death.


.the end.

recovered and let it go.

iam now in the middle of recovered from heart sick.
i just ignore that woman.
no use for me torture this self solely because of her.
so i just let her be.

and no use also for me to get jealous of her.
what is so special "things" on her?
i dont think she had any special figure at anyway.

let she with her world.
there's no use to think about her.
there's no use to take revenge on her.
there's no use to mocking her.
there's no use to feel angry with her.
there's no use to cry because of her figure.
there's no use to remember her "name".

i love this quote.
it's gave me a strenght to fight that stupid feeling on that woman.
it might sound like this :

the struggles im facing
the chances im taking
sometimes might knock me down but no im not breaking
i may not know it
but these are the moments that
im gonna remember most yeah
just gotta keep goin and i
i got be strong gotta keep on pushin on....

.the end.

September 05, 2009

my status of becoming A somebody's wife happy and and i cant wait anymore longer .
Sometimes am trying to imagine how is our "BABIES" look alike .HAHA!
hurm.....its my new life coming soon and and am Thank to God who bless our love forever till our ends .Wow!its a merical though .

.the end.

it must have been love by Roxxete

Lay a whisper
On my pillow
Leave the winter
On the ground
I wake up lonely
There's air of silence
In the bedroom
And all around
(All around)
Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away.

It must have been love
But it's over now
It must have been good
But I lost it somehow
It must have been love
But it's over now
From the moment we touched
'Til the time had run out.

We're together
That I'm sheltered
By your heart
But in and outside
I've turned to water
Like a teardrop
In your palm
And it's a hard
Winter's day
I dream away.

It must have been love
(Must have been love)
But it's over now
(But it's over now)
It was all that I wanted
Now I'm living without
It must have been love
(Must have been love)
But it's over now
It's where the water flows
It's where the wind blows.

It must have been love
(Must have been love)
But it's over now
(But it's over now)
It must have been good
But I lost it somehow
It must have been love
(Must have been love)
But it's over now
(But it's over now)
From the moment we touched
'Til the time had run out.

.the end.

September 04, 2009

shiver by coldplay*

So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention, do you.
I know you dont listen to me.
cause you say you see straight through me, dont you.

On and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
Ill be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
Ill be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.

Did you want me to change?
Well I change for good.
And I want you to know.
That youll always get your way,
I wanted to say,

Dont you shiver? shiver, shiver

Ill always be waiting for you,
So you know how much I need ya,
But you never even see me, do you?

And this is my final chance of getting you.

On and on from the moment I wake....
Did you want me to change? ...

Sing it loud and clear.
Ill always be waiting for you. (x3)
Yeah Ill always be waiting for you.
And its you I see, but you dont see me.
And its you I hear, so loud and clear.
I sing it loud and clear.
And Ill always be waiting for you,.
So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention,
And you know how much I need you,
But you never even seen me.

.the end.

adore icon no 4*


My 4th icon .Ouh my God .!See.....She is in my fav brands TOPSHOP .I cant believe it .She's awesome too .

adore icon no 3*


My 3rd icon .Look at her babydoll face .What a creator on her .She's so awesome & cute too .HEHE

adore icon no 2*


WOW!she is my 2nd icon .She is so adorable & she has an exotic face! .Ouh she's so gorgouse isnt she?

adored icon no 1*


She is my 1st icon .I really adored her because she have a SEXIEST feet i've ever met .Ouh i wish i have one too .HAHA!